Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Mission Statement

This is my problem: every time I try to commit myself to something like this, it always falls through. Not this time, because I'm making a Mission Statement! I need to write down it or else I'll abandoned this idea just like my thousands of other ideas. So here it is:

Because the bees are threatened by humans' never-ending demand for more agriculture and more apiculture, I promise to participate and prevent without any clauses or excuses to preserve and conserve the bee populations on the East Coast. I hereby declare that any and all that I do will be in the name of the bees.

With that said, let me continue on. By now, it is common knowledge that the bees are disappearing, as well as many other ecologically important insects like butterflies. The fact is, although there are many theses on why is this occurring, there is no scientific proof that the bees are dying because of human impact, but we can infer that based on guesswork. The implications our human activity has on the Earth is almost insurmountable and is numerous. There isn't a ground on Earth we humans haven't touched. From Antarctica, to the Himalayas, to the Gobi, to the Arctic, humans are everywhere, and it is no surprise that we are causing overwhelming damage to the environment. How does this relate to the bees? This is what I hope to uncover as my research persists.

One last thing: if you plan on helping the bees, please read:
They are an excellent source for all things keep and you sign up to help the campaign to ban the pesticides, like neonicotinoids ("neonics"), that affect populations of bees worldwide. Also a part of the NRDC is a campaign to help save the monarch butterflies, which are also being threatened by all things pesticide.

I found this amazing infographic on Fast Company which I found very helpful. Hopefully you will too!

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